Urban Music

música alternativa, rock, indie, pop, eletrônica e afins

quarta-feira, novembro 15, 2006

Teste Indie

Você é indie? Não sabe o que é isso? Então faça esse teste e descubra.
São apenas oito perguntas para saber o resultado, rapidinho. Meio bobo, mas engraçado. Olha só o meu resultado: Mix taper!! Aahahah, sei não!

i am a mix taper!

How indie are you?
test by ridethefader

You're really enthusiastic about the music that you like. You attempt to discover your new favourite
band every week. You continually try to get your friends into the music you like, which annoys the fuck
out of them, but you don't know it. At least you're not arrogant about it.


Anonymous Anônimo said...


You are open-minded!

You're pretty knowledgeable about music in general. You like indie music, sure, but that's only part of it. You'll listen to any old shit as long as it sounds good to you. You're not snobby about music at all, you just like what you like. How boring. Curiously, this makes you popular with the opposite sex.

7:27 PM  
Blogger natália; said...


eu odeio esses testes, mas eu sempre faço.

You're really enthusiastic about the music that you like. You attempt to discover your new favourite band every week. You continually try to get your friends into the music you like, which annoys the fuck out of them, but you don't know it. At least you're not arrogant about it.

5:21 AM  

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